800 g
From the year, the child already begins to have a more complete and varied diet, but milk is still an essential part of your diet. However, you need much more rich in iron and vitamins than normal cow's milk, while more digestive. Continued Novalac 3 milk is specially formulated for children aged between 1 and 3 years.
Half a litre of this milk brings the child half of the recommended daily dose of iron, which is 20 times more quantity than cow's milk, and 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin D and calcium.
After the baby milk, this continued 3 milk allows the child to continue to take a prepared milk much more digestive and full that favours their growth and development.
The World Health Organisation and the Spanish Association of Paediatrics recommended breast milk as the way of exclusive feeding of babies up to six months, keeping it to two years of age in combination with other foods.