Nutergia Ergyphilus Plus 30caps

€11.59 €17.00
Only 3 units at this price

Dietary supplement for digestive health

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€11.59 €17.00
Only 3 units at this price


Capsules designed based on probiotic agents that help maintain the balance of the gut bacteria. Strengthens the body's natural defenses, especially interesting during the coldest months of the year, and prevents discomfort resulting from poor digestion or intake of medications.

Instructions for use

Take 2 to 4 capsules a day, before meals, preferably on an empty stomach in the morning.


Bulking agent: potato starch; fruit-oligosaccharides (FOS), freeze-dried lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, anti-caking agent: vegetable magnesium sterate; ascorbic acid (vitamin C).


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