Nutrisant Organic Infusion Legs Cold Grey 20 sachets

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Only 5 units at this price


Organic light legs ice tea from nutrisanté laboratories is an organic herbal tea that will help you feel lighter, especially during the warmer seasons. Enjoy it with ice water, and feel light from the first sip!


cranberry and meadowsweet provide instant relief to your legs. The

red vine and nettle contribute to good blood circulation in the legs, reducing the feeling of heavy and tired legs. Hibiscus acts as a draining agent and removes water from the body, also contributing to good blood circulation in the vessels and helping to reduce the feeling of

feeling of heavy legs. INFORMATIONIce light legs organic herbal tea from nutrisanté laboratories is a product

from organic farming, which will help you feel lighter, especially during the warmer seasons. Take it with ice water and feel light from the first sip!



New in Circulatory Care