Olioseptil Syrup GorgeLarynx 125 ml

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Olioseptil throat-larynx syrup is a dietary supplement that relieves irritation and clears the airways. It helps fight colds. CHARACTERISTICS In syrup form based on plant extracts. Essential oils. Propolis and manuka honey. Formulated from natural ingredients selected for their action and properties - Manuka honey helps fight resistant bacteria and reduces inflammation of the airways, - Mallow soothes the throat, - Ivy and thyme calm irritation and hoarseness, - Cape Pelargonium clears the airways. Its action is enhanced by pine and eucalyptus essential oils, - elderberry and echinacea act against viruses and bacteria to purify the airways, - acerola, a natural concentrate of vitamin C, and lemon essential oil strengthen the body's natural defenses to fight colds. INFORMATION Olioseptil throat-larynx syrup is a dietary supplement that soothes irritations and decongests the airways. It helps fight colds. INDICATION Soothes irritations and clears the airways.


Ingredients: Wheat syrup, vegetable glycerin, hydroalcoholic extract 10.45%: Ivy (leaves), Propolis, Piperita (leaves), Sage (leaves), Thyme (leaves), Black Elderberry (berries), Echinacea (plants and roots), Scots Pine (buds), Mallow (flowers), South African Geranium (roots); purified water, Manuka honey, Acerola extract (berries), aromatic extracts: energized essential oils of Lemon (bark), Eucalyptus (leaves) and Scots Pine (needles).
Gluten free.
Average nutritional information for 3 teaspoons (15 ml):
Manuka Honey (Leptospermum scoparium): 600 mg.
Ivy Extract (Hedera helix): 235 mg.
Propolis Extract: 172 mg.
Piperita Extract (Mentha piperita): 157 mg.
Sage Extract (Salvia officinalis): 157 mg.
Thyme Extract (Thymus vulgaris): 157 mg.
Black Elderberry Extract (Sambucus nigra): 157 mg.
Acerola Extract (Malpighia punicifolia): 150 mg.
Of which Vitamin C: 24 mg (30% IR):
Echinacea extract (Echinacea purpurea): 149 mg.
Scots Pine extract (Pinus sylvestris): 149 mg.
Mallow extract (Malva sylvestris): 117 mg.
Geranium extract from South Africa (Pelargonium sidoides): 117 mg.
Essential oils.
Of which: Lemon (Citrus limon).of which: Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus).of which: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris).
CR: Reference Amount.
Olioseptil® Larinje Gargling Syrup is a food supplement made for healthy adults. Not recommended for children under 7 years of age.not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women without prior consultation with a doctor.keep out of reach of children.store in a cool, dry and dark place.Consume as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.not to exceed the recommended daily dose.preferably consume before the date indicated on the packaging and within 15 days after opening.

Price per 100 ML

11,67€ / 100 ml

Pharmaceutical Advice

Coughing is a natural reflex in the body that can occur for several reasons: an allergic reaction, inhaling particles that cause irritation, dryness in the environment and/or a respiratory tract infection, such as a cold.

Cough syrups can provide support in respiratory tract infections, if the cough does not last more than a week and is low intensity. They contain soothing and protective substances for the upper respiratory tract. They promote hydration and the elimination of excess mucus. They also help soothe the throat.

It is advisable to keep well hydrated (drink water, herbal teas and soups). We can complement the care of the upper respiratory tract by washing the nose with seawater or solutions made for this purpose. Using a humidifier can also improve environmental humidity and contribute to respiratory well-being.

Do not use in case of hypersensitivity or proven allergy to one or more components. It is advisable to seek the advice of a healthcare professional before using these products and to follow the manufacturer's instructions. In case of persistent cough, general discomfort or other symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional.




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