Options de fusion 10Ml

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10 ml

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Opciones Fusion 10Ml is a CE medical device of class IIa, a sterile multidose solution designed to quickly relieve discomfort and burning in the eyes, offering superior comfort and prolonged protection against dry eye symptoms. This product is also suitable for contact lens wearers, as it contains a preservative that naturally mixes with the eye's tears. It is important to stop using it and consult a doctor if you experience eye pain, changes in vision, persistent redness, or irritation, or if the condition worsens. You should keep Opciones Fusion 10Ml out of reach of children and not use it if you are allergic to any of its components. It is not intended to be ingested, and direct contact with the eyes should be avoided to prevent injury or contamination. It is essential to respect the expiration date and not use the product if the seal is broken or if the solution changes colour. After opening, store the bottle at room temperature and dispose of any residue after 6 months.

Price per 100 ML

230,58€ / 100 ml



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