Orliman Silicone Lined Heel Pad Two Density T3 1 Pair

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Silicone lined heel pad for stress relief

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Heel pad made of silicone and lined Orliman brand. It is a model with two densities and central discharge. The heel will be comfortably adjusted on the piece. The lining is made of hypoallergenic polyester fabric for maximum comfort in use. It is very easy to wash without deteriorating. It is an innovative design that has a Velcro fastening that allows it to adhere to the footwear and prevents accidental displacements. Its height is high enough so that it can be worn with any model of footwear. It is a good quality product that lasts for a long time because it is made of a silicone that is more resistant than the conventional one. It can be used by anyone who needs relief for ligaments or muscles, particularly in the case of overloading.

Instructions for use

Place at the base of the heel according to expert recommendations.



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