PHB 90 extra fine interdental brush 6 uts

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Interdental brush to remove bacteria


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The interdental brush is an accessory that is not often found in any home. However, it is very useful for people who have very large spaces between their teeth. The PHB extra-thin brush is basically designed for effective cleaning of bacteria that are stored between the teeth, which are capable of causing gum disease;

Some of the common diseases are: gingivitis (red, swollen, sore gums with bleeding when brushing), mild periodontitis (erosion and damage to the gums from not treating gingivitis), moderate to advanced periodontitis (loss of bone and tissues surrounding the teeth). Thanks to the soft tynex filaments, the toothbrush removes food, tartar or plaque that cannot be removed with the conventional brush. It also massages the gums, leaving them healthy and preventing inflammation. White filaments are used to check gums for bleeding, while black filaments are used to inspect the effectiveness of bacterial hygiene;

The diameter of the brush is 2.4 mm, while the head has a 90° angle and the interdental space is 0.9 mm. It has a protective cap.

Instructions for use

Push the brush back and forth without turning it so that the filaments can enter the space between the teeth.


Does not contain latex. Use in allergies.

Unit price

€0.85 / Units

Pharmaceutical Advice

To maintain good oral hygiene, you should brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste two to three times a day, once in the evening. At least 2 minutes should be spent to ensure proper cleaning. You can supplement your oral hygiene routine using a tongue cleaner, an interdental brush and a mouthwash to reach the less accessible corners.

The toothbrush bristles wear over time, so it is advisable to change the brush every 3 months or sooner if there is obvious deterioration. Remember that if the end of the bristles is very deteriorated, it may not provide optimal cleaning and may cause micro trauma to your gums.

Go for regular check-ups with your dentist to ensure good oral health and hygiene.



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