Looking for a dark blonde color cast? Phyto color has a creamy texture that does not drip. It is easy to implement and allows a precise distribution and uniform from the root to the ends of the hair.
To dye hair dark blond color of Phyto is ready to make a permanent color. It is a natural dye that covers 100% of the rods from the first application. In addition, adds shine, vitality and intense volume to the hair thanks to its vegetable pigments: the India wood, wood from Brazil, pellets, broom and coreopsis. Its high concentration in these plant pigments ensures a very natural tone and luminous highlights.
The package includes:
- Boat revealed 60ml milk.
- Colouring Cream 40ml tube.
- Protective balm of 12ml.
- Gloves.
* Without parabens or resorcinol.
With a practical and nice application! You will get an ultra-bright and natural color with Phyto, ensuring a long-lasting result.