Girdle for the sacrolumbar region that can be adapted according to the anatomy of the person. It is semi-rigid and has a lumbar crossover. Besides being comfortable, it is also light and has great containment. It can be chosen with or without tensors. It is indicated for people with lower back problems such as lumbago, lumbosciatica, degenerative processes, muscle weakness, and for those who are undergoing a rehabilitation process for this area.It provides stability, support and support to the lumbar region. Along with the orthosis, the use of creams may be required. For its assembly and previous adaptation, you should consult with the treating physician, who will also prescribe the duration of the treatment. Prim does not recommend this brace for people with skin hypersensitivity or other skin conditions.. *For hygiene reasons, we do not accept returns for this product after it has been opened. It can only be returned if the seal is still intact and the packaging has not been manipulated.