Healing begins the moment the physical integrity of the skin is lost. It is a reparative process that leads to the regeneration of the epithelium and the replacement of the dermis by a fibrous tissue constituted by collagen, in such a way that the new fibers are shorter and disorganized, so that the scar will never have the same tensile strength as normal skin.
Restaura Dicadia 15ml is a solution of 100% natural oils that, due to its emollient and regenerating properties, improves the appearance and elasticity of the scar, leaving it smooth and soft.
Enriched with rubiginous rose, commiphora myrrha, petroselinum sativum and limonene it is indicated for the prevention and treatment of anomalous, hypertrophic and keloid scars. Visibly improving the scars.
Keep your skin in good condition!