From the sixth month onwards, the baby's first teeth begin to erupt. This process is usually very painful and tiresome for them, they start to cry and feel bad. To help them soothe this moment, you can make use of Saro's biters.
The Saro water bites are perfect for relieving the pain caused by the baby's first teeth coming out. With them you will be able to relieve the gums and fight the swelling of the teeth. In this case, the faucet-shaped water biter is a fun accessory for your baby. Your child won't want to quit when his first teeth start to come in because he'll feel better with it.
- Includes 3 keys for you to play with and chew on (you can separate the keys thanks to the central ring opening).
- Indicated between 6 -24 months.
- With fun shapes and colors, according to stock Pharmacy.
- Hygienic.
Protect your baby's teeth and gums with Saro.