Sifi Linea Hyalistil Synfo Collyre Lubrifiant 10ml

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10 ml

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Le Sifi Linea Hyalistil Synfo Collyre Lubrifiant is a sterile medical device in a balanced ophthalmic solution. It contains sodium hyaluronate, xanthan gum, and osmoprotective substances to protect, hydrate, and lubricate the eyes. It is indicated for relieving ocular discomfort and contains natural polymers with hydrating, lubricating, and repairing properties. The presence of glycine and betaine promotes the maintenance of cellular balance and aids in wound healing. Preservative-free, it can also be used with contact lenses. It is recommended not to use other ophthalmic products within 10 minutes following application. Store at room temperature and avoid direct contact of the bottle tip with the eyes or eyelids. In case of adverse reactions, discontinue use of the product and consult a doctor. Valid for 6 months after opening.

Price per 100 ML

194,75€ / 100 ml



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