You feel a little bloated lately? Do you feel swollen legs and continued discomfort when you move? If you want to get rid of the fluid build-up in your body, using an intensive draining treatment will help you stylize your figure and feel much lighter.
Sotya Drena Form is an ideal treatment for slimming diets and for people who retain fluids.
Sotya Drena Form integrates a combination of ingredients ideal for excreting accumulated liquids:
- Dandelion: cholagogue, choleretic, purifying and laxative.
- Bitter chamomile: anti-inflammatory and digestive.
- Sarsaparilla: diuretic.
- Pineapple: diuretic, anti-inflammatory and digestive.
- Artichoke: cholagogue, choleretic, hepatoprotective and hypolipemiant.
- Rosemary: digestive, antispasmodic, carminative and cholagogue.