Sotya Green Tea 700mg 100 tabs.

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Antioxidant with high purifying and detoxifying power


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Only 1 unit at this price
Units 100 Tablets

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Green tea is indicated in any diet to contribute to weight control, as it contains properties that aid in the digestion process.

Sotya Green Tea is a green tea tablet obtained from the unfermented leaves of the tea plant. They contain about 27% of catechins, polyphenols and antioxidants such as vitamin C, which help fight and prevent free radicals that destroy cells and tissues.

In addition, Sotya Green Tea lowers cholesterol levels and promotes blood circulation and fluid elimination, and has antibacterial properties, helping to prevent mild gastrointestinal infections;

Take advantage of the many benefits of green tea!

Instructions for use

Take 1 or 2 tablets three times a day after meals.


100 tablets of 700mg, with 500mg of green tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf micronized extract, equivalent to 530mg of leaf. Fructooligosaccharides and microcrystalline cellulose as excipients.

Unit price

0,05€ / Tablets

Pharmaceutical Advice

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is one of the most important nutrients in our diet. It boosts the immune system, promotes the absorption of iron from food and is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all skin tissues.

Vitamin C’s antioxidant effect neutralises the free radicals that are responsible for oxidative stress in the skin, delays the signs of aging, stimulates collagen production, promotes wound healing and supports cartilage, bones and teeth maintenance.

Remember that dietary supplements should not replace a healthy, balanced diet. In a case of vitamin C deficiency or excess, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and advice.




I'm still proving it.

Anonymous A.

Very difficult to take the tablets

Anonymous A.

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