Sotya hígado de Bacalao 685mg 110 perlas

€5.49 €7.43

Balance your diet and enhance the benefits of fish

110 perlas

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€5.49 €7.43


Many are the reasons that lead us to reduce the amount of fish in our diet, due to personal tastes, the price of fish or lack of time, affecting the balance of the diet in terms of vitamins and nutrients for the body.

Sotya Cod Liver 685mg is specifically formulated to improve the supply of Omega 3 fatty acids to our body. It also contains vitamins A and D in its composition, essential for the proper functioning of our body.

What does Sotya Cod Liver offer?

  • Prevents infections in the respiratory system.

  • Lower cholesterol levels.

  • They improve vision.

  • Helps in the growth of bones and teeth.

  • Enhances the body's natural defenses.

A fundamental contribution to improve your diet!

Instructions for use

Take 3 or 4 pearls a day, spread out over several shots.


Cod liver oil 550mg with a minimum EPA and DHA content of 165mg, vitamin A 200mcg, vitamin D 1.0mcg and vitamin E 2mg. Gelatin and glycerin pearl.

Pharmaceutical Advice

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is one of the fat-soluble vitamins that is essential to support normal bone and teeth formation and helps to absorb calcium, increasing their strength and keeping them healthy. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that contribute to a healthy immune system and muscle function. It also helps to regulate blood phosphorus level.

Vitamin D can be obtained in three different ways: through the skin by exposure to the sun and from foods and/or supplements that contain vitamin D. In case of vitamin D deficiency or excess, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for diagnosis and advice. Remember that dietary supplements should not replace a healthy and balanced diet.




I highly recommend it, because I have experience in its results, because I am an elite athlete and I take care of my joints.

Kiko S.

All right

Anonymous A.


New in Circulatory Care