Shitake is a fungus that has been cultivated for centuries in the mountainous regions of Asia, especially China, Japan and Korea. This fungus has traditionally been used to strengthen the immune system and lengthen life span.
Sotya Shitake 360mg is a mushroom so complete that it increases vitality and general well-being and helps us adapt to high-stress environmental and personal conditions.
Among its benefits are:
- Strengthens the defenses.
- It helps to control hypertension, reduces cholesterol and decreases blood viscosity, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.
- Promotes digestion thanks to its composition in pepsin and trypsin.
- Provides an anti-aging action thanks to its high antioxidant composition.
- Helps to assimilate calcium and phosphorus.
- By providing linoleic acid it helps to manufacture various types of prostaglandins with anti-inflammatory effect.
Use the mushrooms to feel younger!