Mixvitaminas Tecnilor is a multivitamin and mineral supplement that optimizes the functioning of the body, mainly in states of nutritional deficiency:
- VITAMIN A - Essential for eye health.
- VITAMIN D - Essential for the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.
- VITAMIN E - Relieves cramps and muscle strains. An excellent antioxidant.
- VITAMIN C - Increases the body's resistance against viruses and bacteria.
- VITAMIN K - Involved in blood coagulation.
- VITAMIN B1 - Aids in digestion, energy supply, and oxygen absorption by the brain.
- VITAMIN B2 - Important for energy production in the body.
- VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN) - Essential for the nervous system.
- VITAMIN B5 - Helps control the body's response to stress and in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and sugars.
- VITAMIN B6 - Participates in the multiplication of all cells and in the production of red blood cells and immune system cells.
- VITAMIN B7, B8 OR H - Functions in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
- VITAMIN B9 (FOLIC ACID) - Acts in the formation of red blood cells, growth and reproduction, metabolism of structural proteins, and is important during pregnancy for fetal development.
- VITAMIN B12 - Necessary for the production of red blood cells and for the metabolism of amino acids and nucleic acids.
- IODINE - Participates in energy production.
- Copper - Oxygenation of tissues.
- Manganese - Acts in the formation of bones and tendons.
- Selenium - Strengthens immunity and regulates hormonal production.
- Zinc - Involved in the enzymatic activity of the body. Helps in the prevention and treatment of flu and colds.
Recommendations and precautions:
- Not recommended for children under 15 years old.
- Use with caution if taking the medication Methotrexate.
- In case of thyroid disease, take only under medical advice.
- If using anticoagulant medications (e.g., warfarin), it is recommended to increase monitoring at the beginning and end of taking the supplement.
- Do not exceed the indicated daily dose. Dosage may be altered according to medical prescription.
- In case of pregnancy or breastfeeding, consult your doctor or pharmacist beforehand.
- If in doubt, consult a healthcare professional, your doctor, or pharmacist.
Does not contain sugar.