Texinfine Cyclotelia 60 comprimés

52,64€ 81,00€
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52,64€ 81,00€
Only 6 units at this price


CYCLOTELIA® is a patented food preparation obtained from the organic oily extract of flower salt from salt marshes. This food preparation is of interest in the mechanisms of regulating sensory, emotional, and behavioural responses (normothymia) following physical, mental, chemical, thermal stress, due to ageing, etc. This food preparation is particularly indicated in all cases where one seeks to restore and/or improve the sensation of well-being. CYCLOTELIA® is recommended in the following situations: - Regulation of physical perception. - Regulation of psychic perception. INFORMATION STABILISE YOUR WELL-BEING On a biochemical level, well-being is the physiological translation of the release of ß-endorphin, which decreases with age. Moreover, this reaction is short-lived, so the sensation of well-being is always fleeting. CYCLOTELIA® contains an oily extract of Flos salis which restores the release and bioavailability of ß-endorphin. WHY FLOWER SALT OIL? During the natural evaporation of seawater, many microscopic plants become trapped in the salt of salt marshes. These hyperhalophilic plants are widespread, most belonging to the class of chlorophytes like Dunaliella or diatomophytes like Cyclotella. These plants form a biofilm which, when dried, gives the unique taste of flower salt. This property was already noted in the first century by Pliny the Elder (Caius Plinius Secundus Caius), who, in Natural History, described the curious existence of fatty bodies in flower salt (flos salis) and their culinary interest. These plants are responsible for the production of numerous taste mediators and sometimes induce unexpected eating behaviour in mammals (humans, elephants, deer, etc.) such as addiction to salt consumption, rolling in saline muds, etc. The organic oily extract of flower salt (OESFTM), added to a culture of keratinocytes (epidermal cells extracted from human skin), increases ß-endorphin synthesis by keratinocytes. These results have been confirmed ex-vivo on organotypic cultures where stimulation of ß-endorphin production by the epidermis was demonstrated after topical application of a cream enriched with Cyclotella extract. NOTES - To the best of our knowledge, no adverse effects associated with the dietary consumption of CYCLOTELIA® have been reported. - Contains no preservatives or synthetic additives. - Does not contain gluten. - Very low in sodium. The uneven colour of the tablets is due to the absence of dye in manufacturing, ensuring a 100% natural preparation.




No doubt about the duration


Je le test depuis 10 jours sur des douleurs chroniques associé à du PEA biane j'en suis très contente

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very practical and efficient

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