The dandelion is a plant rich in beneficial properties for the body, a perennial plant, herbaceous and growing from 20 to 50 centimeters high. It blooms during the summer, with yellow flowers sprouting at the end, and its fruit is formed with white hair. A common herb rich in properties for our body. Do you remember playing at blowing its white fruit and flying its seeds?
The naturalist dandelion lion is a preparation for infusions based on dandelion. Specially prepared to offer you the natural properties of this medicinal plant, so rich in benefits for our body, gives your body effects how;
- -Cholagogue/cholagogue: traditionally used for its stimulation of bile production and release.
- -Diuretic: Rich in mineral salts and flavonoids, it stimulates the diuresis, offering itself as a good depurative.
- -Laxative: Exercises a slight laxative effect, a consequence of its mucilages and other polysaccharides;
- -Appetite stimulant: stimulates the taste buds, increasing the production of gastrointestinal juices and stimulating the appetite;
If you enjoy the infusions, take advantage of El Naturalista dente león to improve the well-being of your interior. Improves your digestive and purifying system;