Tropholastine® Scar Reducer 10x14cm 5pcs

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Helps reduce the visibility of scars


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Only 3 units at this price
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Novartis Trofolastín® Scar Reducer 10x14cm 5uds are patches that help to reduce the most visible or persistent scars or keloids

In addition, they help protect these sensitive areas from the impact of the sun's rays, as well as photoaging. These patches do not contain ingredients or active ingredients, but its action is physical and act by increasing the pressure on the scar so that the natural collagen of the skin is distributed correctly

The package includes 5 units of 10x14cm

Instructions for use

Apply a park on the scar. If redness, pain and/or irritation occurs, discontinue use of the dressing. Do not use on third degree burns. Do not use on open wounds.

At least 10 weeks of treatment are required to obtain results.

Unit price

19,50€ / Units

Pharmaceutical Advice

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It is responsible for providing firmness and elasticity to muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, bones and cartilage. From the age of 30, collagen production reduces in our bodies.

Topical collagen helps to keep the skin hydrated and promotes water retention. On the other hand, with this external contribution, we will be able to reduce expression lines, as well as combat flaccidity and delay the appearance of cellulite or orange peel skin.

We can also take some precautions to promote collagen synthesis such as reducing the consumption of alcohol or tobacco, which deteriorate collagen fibres; reducing exposure to the sun and applying adequate photoprotection, maintaining a diet rich in vitamins C, E and A and using specific dermatological products that promote the production of this protein.




Better than I expected, it has exceeded my expectations.

Anonymous A.

It is too early to talk about results, but for the moment I can say that it is working as it says in the prospectus.

Anonymous A.

Too early to say... years ago I used it for a cystic scar and it worked for me.

Anonymous A.

Very fast shipping and the price of the product cheaper than on the street. I can't give the product a higher score because the results are expected in the medium term. But they last longer than hansaplast, which fall in a day.

Anonymous A.

It's a treatment that works in the long run

Anonymous A.


Anonymous A.

good product

Anonymous A.


Anonymous A.


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