500 ml
Feeling good inside and out will help us increase our self-esteem. Controlling our silhouette will give us both physical and aesthetic benefits and general well-being of our body. With a little dedication and effort we will achieve to take away the pounds others that can affect our health and our self-esteem. To get your ideal line and keep it at the time, TurboSlim draining you will help.
Taking Turboslim draining daily gives the following benefits:
- Power drain on the body.
- It helps to burn calories.
- It contributes to the correct balance of ionic and mineral levels.
We will enjoy this drink thanks to its delicious peach and green tea flavour. The secret of its success lies in its excellent combination based on natural ingredients:
- Green tea promotes the burning of calories.
- Guava helps provide the body ions and minerals.
Recover your silhouette and keep it in time!