500 ml
Getting dental care and hygiene with just brushing is not possible. Toothbrushes cannot reach interdental spaces, the tongue or other areas of the oral cavity. Therefore, it is important to complete the cleaning with a rinse to aid in it:
Vitis® Whitening Mouthwash combines 4 actions that help the effectiveness of tooth cleaning:
- - Anti-stain action: It removes stains from the surface of the tooth enamel.
- - Anti-calculus action: It retards and prevents tartar formation.
- - Anti-caries action: It protects and remineralizes the enamel.
- - Restorative and whitening action: Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles integrate into the enamel and fill in its irregular surfaces, while repairing the tooth enamel and sealing the open dentinal tubules, eliminating tooth sensitivity...
Ensuring good hygiene is easy with this oral treatment, which lengthens and reinforces the whitening effect of your teeth with its anti-stain, antiscale, anti-caries and whitening action. It also prevents tooth sensitivity, so it can be used for people with sensitive gums.
Restore the natural color of your teeth.