Wheel Pharma Hair

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Strengthens the skin tissue and restores beauty to your nails and hair


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Only 5 units at this price


Nails, hair and skin are the parts of our body more exposed to environmental conditions. That is why it is easier they degrade, since excess heat or cold, pollution and sunlight go wearing them irretrievably.

Wheel Farma hair, skin and nails is a dietary supplement which, thanks to its formula rich in amino acids, yeast and minerals, will provide a supplement of nutrients essential for to strengthen your skin, your body hair and nails.

Its formula is made up of the following assets:

  • Biotin is a vitamin of the B group which slows down the hair loss and weakening of nails.
  • Copper contributes in the pigmentation of the skin and hair.
  • Zinc is an essential mineral for the good structure of the skin, hair and nails. It contributes to the process of keratinization and reduces the possibility of experiencing eczema or dermatitis.
  • Cysteine is a key amino acid for hair growth.

An extra supply of nutrients to show beautiful nails and hair!

Instructions for use

Take 1 capsule a day.

Unit price

0,54€ / Capsules

Pharmaceutical Advice

Zinc has great benefits for the immune system, hair and skin. It is a trace mineral, meaning that the body needs it but in small amounts.

It is an important supplement for DNA synthesis, cell growth, protein synthesis, healing of damaged tissues and supports a healthy immune system.

It also promotes keratin and collagen synthesis, so it helps to prevent premature hair aging and even protects hair pigmentation. It also helps to strengthen hair and nails.
Include it in your diet by eating meat, fish, seafood (especially oysters), nuts, whole grains, pulses and/or milk.

A varied and balanced diet is usually enough to maintain a good level of zinc; supplementation is only recommended in cases of deficiency.





Anonymous A.


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