Ymea Menopause Flat Belly Flat Belly 64 Capsules

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A dietary supplement designed to provide relief and comfort during menopause


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Ymea Menopause Flat Belly 64 Capsules is a dietary supplement designed to provide relief and comfort during the menopausal period.

It is specially formulated with a set of advanced solutions for menopause, combining plant extracts, such as green tea, vitamins and minerals. In addition, it helps burn fat and helps reduce abdominal bloating and helps relieve hot flashes, sweating and mood swings.

Helps relieve hot flashes, night sweats, restlessness and irritability. Helps regulate hormonal activity.

Instructions for use

Take 2 capsules a day with a glass of water, preferably at breakfast.

Food supplements should not replace a balanced and/or healthy diet.


Maca Extract, Sage Extract, Cayenne Extract, Artichoke Extract, Zinc, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B3.

Unit price

€0.84 / Capsules

Pharmaceutical Advice

Sage (Salvia Officinalis) is a wild, aromatic Mediterranean plant that is well known for its traditional use in health care. Its active principles, such as Rosmarinus acid, are recognised by the European Pharmacopoeia and are attributed with antioxidant, digestive and antibacterial properties. It is a plant with multiple qualities which can be ingested as a dietary supplement or infused as herbal tea. It can also be used topically, in creams or lotions.

Some dietary supplements for support during perimenopause and menopause contain sage extract, as it helps to mitigate hot flashes and other discomforts. Its emmenagogue properties also help regulate menstruation. In topical use, in the oral cavity (as an infusion or extract for gargling), it is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic thanks to the components of its essential oil. It helps soothe the throat and irritated oral mucosa. Sage also helps regulate digestion and is useful to relieve mild dyspepsia.

Ongoing use of this plant extract, or use in high doses, should be avoided as it may have undesirable effects. Oral intake or use of sage essential oil is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is very important to always follow the indications and dosage indicated by the manufacturer. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional if in doubt about taking medication or in specific situations.




I have been taking it for a long time and it works very well

Rosa M.

I recommend it

Lucia G.

I have been taking it for 10 days and I feel less bloated in my stomach

Rocío F.

I recommend it

Lucia G.


Anonymous F.

I like it because the results are noticeable quickly

Anonymous A.


Anonymous A.

It is a good product good value for money

Anonymous A.

In principle, it seems that the hot flashes have diminished, I recommend it!

Anonymous A.

Does not seem to give very good results

Anonymous A.

It controls my hot flashes Since I've been taking Ymea I haven't had any more. And I can sleep at night. It works for me

Anonymous A.

I have been taking it for a few days and I have noticed a little relief, I think that when I take more time I will notice something more

Anonymous A.

The effects of Imea Flat Belly are immediately noticeable

Anonymous A.

I am trying different products for menopausal symptoms

Anonymous A.

recommended 100 x 100

Anonymous A.

Don't take it without anything in your stomach. I even or at lunch it gave me a really bad stomach ache, plus I could feel the cayenne going up my esophagus. I threw the box away.

Anonymous A.

It works

Anonymous A.


Anonymous A.

I already knew him. If I recommend it

Anonymous A.

I've only been using it for a short time, so I haven't noticed any effects so far.

Anonymous A.

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