Save and get exclusive benefits
The free program that rewards your loyalty. Earn points and get discounts and exclusive benefits.How does it work?
Earn points
Earn Health Points for every purchase. The more you take care of yourself, the more points you earn.
Use your points as a payment method - for every 100 points you earn, you get a 1€ discount!
How can I earn points?
For every euro spent
Place an order and earn 3 points for every euro spent.
For purchasing DocMorris products
Earn 4 points for every euro spent on DocMorris branded products.
Voor het invullen van je profiel
Vul je verjaardag in en ontvang 100 punten, plus verrassingen op je speciale dag.
Advance to the next tier and get exclusive benefits
Rewards list
The more you buy, the higher the tier and the more benefits you have to take care of yourself!
Just for having a Promofarma by DocMorris account you can benefit from exclusive promotions on upcoming events:
*Subscribe to our Newsletter to enjoy the benefits.
For more information, please refer to the Health Points terms of use.