Keep the box safe from heat before opening it.
Wash your hands well before preparing the bottle.
Prepare the bottle just before using it and consume it within the hour.
- Discard any leftover bottle contents and do not store it.
- Keep the box tightly closed in a cool, dry place after opening it, for a maximum of 4 weeks.
Clean and sterilize the bottle, cap, and nipple carefully.
Pour the appropriate amount of water into the bottle, using low-mineral water heated to a maximum of 40°C for better reconstitution.
Fill the included measuring spoon with powder, level it off, and add the number of scoops corresponding to 1 dose per 30 ml of water.
Close the bottle, roll it between your hands, and then shake it vigorously.
Check the temperature of the milk before giving it to your baby by pouring a few drops on your wrist.
Use an appropriate nipple if necessary.